Investment Valuation Ratio Analysis
Investment is an activity carried out to obtain future profits by investing in certain assets such as stocks, bonds, property…
Endowment Factors and Economic Growth
The economy of a country is strongly influenced by various factors, both internal and external factors. One very important factor…
The difference between Autonomous Investment and Inducted Investment
Autonomous Investment or what is also called independent investment refers to the level of investment that is not affected by…
Prospectus in Investment
Prospectus, a document that is often overlooked by novice investors, actually has a very important role in investing. By definition,…
Position Sizing in Forex Trading
Forex trading or foreign exchange trading is a large and highly liquid global market that allows traders to buy and…
How to Implement Cross Purchasing
Cross product purchasing is a marketing strategy that aims to offer additional products to customers who have purchased the main…
The Basic Concept of Vanilla Option
Vanilla Option is a contract that gives the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell the underlying asset…
Challenges in Achieving Financial Inclusion
Financial Inclusion Financial inclusion is a very important concept in the context of sustainable economic and social development. In the…
Repurchase Agreement (Repo)
In the financial market, Repurchase Agreement or Repo is an investment instrument that is commonly used by many parties. In…
Limited Partnership Formation Requirements
The form of business a company chooses can influence its direction and success. One popular form of business is the…