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Inflation and How to Measure Its Growth Rate

Inflation is a condition where the price of goods and services in

The Impact of Crony Capitalism on the Economy

Crony capitalism is an economic system based on the interest relationship between

5 Reasons Infrastructure is Important for the Country’s Economy

Infrastructure is an important element in driving a country's economy. Without adequate

What can companies do to deal with supply shocks

In an economic context, the term "supply shock" refers to a situation

Criteria for Investors Who Can Invest in Limited Investments

Limited investment is a type of investment that is limited only to

Overview: 8 Types of Crypto Tokens You Need to Know

In the cryptocurrency world, there is the term token, which is often

Hedonic Pricing Challenges and Future Opportunities

In the market world, pricing is an important factor in business strategy.

The Basic Concept of Vanilla Option

Vanilla Option is a contract that gives the right, but not the

Product Sales Analysis Using Pareto Theory

Pareto theory, also known as the Pareto Law or the 80/20 Principle,

Efforts to Overcome Collusive Oligopoly

Oligopoly is a market structure that is generally found in large industries

Investment Valuation Ratio Analysis

Investment is an activity carried out to obtain future profits by investing in certain assets such as stocks, bonds, property

Endowment Factors and Economic Growth

The economy of a country is strongly influenced by various factors, both internal and external factors. One very important factor

Types of Tender Offers

Tender Offer is a term in the financial world that is used quite often, especially in the capital market. This

Controlled Foreign Corporation (CFC)

Controlled Foreign Corporation (CFC) is a term used to describe a company or business entity established abroad by citizens or

Effect of Aggregate Expenditure on the Economy

Aggregate Expenditure is one of the main concepts in macroeconomics. This term refers to the total expenditure made by all

CBOE Volatilty Index (VIX)

The Cboe Volatility Index (VIX) is an indicator used to measure the level of volatility in financial markets, particularly in

Factors Affecting Net Investment

Net investment is one of the important concepts in a business or company that is related to long-term investment decisions.

The difference between Autonomous Investment and Inducted Investment

Autonomous Investment or what is also called independent investment refers to the level of investment that is not affected by