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Factors that affect the Treynor Ratio

In the investment world, investors need a method or strategy that can assist them in making the right investment decisions. One method that is often used is the Treynor Ratio.

admin admin 8 Min Read

Advantages and Risks of Investing in the London Metal Exchange (LME)

The London Metal Exchange (LME) is the world's largest metals exchange and a well-known center

Factors Affecting Net Investment

Net investment is one of the important concepts in a business or company that is

Position Sizing in Forex Trading

Forex trading or foreign exchange trading is a large and highly liquid global market that

Criteria for Investors Who Can Invest in Limited Investments

Limited investment is a type of investment that is limited only to a number of

Investment Valuation Ratio Analysis

Investment is an activity carried out to obtain future profits by investing in certain assets

admin 10 Min Read

Types of Tender Offers

Tender Offer is a term in the financial world that is used quite often, especially in the capital market. This term refers to an offer made by a party (usually

admin admin 10 Min Read

CBOE Volatilty Index (VIX)

The Cboe Volatility Index (VIX) is an indicator used to measure the level of volatility in financial markets, particularly in stocks listed on the United States stock exchange. This indicator

admin admin 10 Min Read

Endowment Factors and Economic Growth

The economy of a country is strongly influenced by various factors, both internal and external

admin 10 Min Read

Examples of offshore regulations in several countries

Offshore regulation is a topic that is increasingly attracting attention in global economic activity. In

admin 9 Min Read

Raiden Network Development Challenges and Obstacles

In the era of developing blockchain technology, the need for fast and cheap transactions is

admin 7 Min Read

Inflation and How to Measure Its Growth Rate

Inflation is a condition where the price of goods and services in general continues to

admin 10 Min Read

Tips for Successful Liquidity Management

Liquidity Management is a strategy to manage a company's cash flow and liquidity in order

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Investment Valuation Ratio Analysis

Investment is an activity carried out to obtain future profits by investing in certain assets such as stocks, bonds, property

admin 10 Min Read

Endowment Factors and Economic Growth

The economy of a country is strongly influenced by various factors, both internal and external factors. One very important factor

admin 10 Min Read

Types of Tender Offers

Tender Offer is a term in the financial world that is used quite often, especially in the capital market. This

admin 10 Min Read

Controlled Foreign Corporation (CFC)

Controlled Foreign Corporation (CFC) is a term used to describe a company or business entity established abroad by citizens or

admin 11 Min Read